Monday, July 18, 2011

Is my attorney's approach too passive? should he be more aggressive?

I just feel as though my attorney is being too passive. I consulted another attorney and he told him his approach would be very different. it makes me wonder if this attorney is just trying to get my business or does he really think he could/will do a better job? The judge granted my ex a restraining order based on the fact that she is afraid. Which is BS because she contacts me and attempts to lure me in to breaking the order. The judge did however give me more time with my son and refused to grant a restraining order for him. There has been no abuse like my ex claims. The cops have never been called during our eight years. She never brought up any of this until we broke up and went to court. Now she is claiming that my nine year old nephew has sexually abused our son when he was with me. it is impossible since my son is always with me. She keeps coming up with claims and has no proof of any of them. yet, my attorney just keeps saying, "she has burden of proof." But he does not seem to be attacking this very aggressively in fact he seems to just sit by and let her say things. I am worried because the trial is coming up and I want to have my son on overnights and weekends. I am a caring and loving father. I have no criminal record. I have never harmed her or our son ever! I just feel like my attorney is sitting by doing nothing. Am I just being too worried? What should i do?

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