Sunday, July 17, 2011

Is my Mirena the cause of all my problems?

Hi. I'm a 23 year old female and mother of 2 little boys 20months and 8months. After my youngest was born at my 6 week mark I elected to have the Mirena inserted. I am convinced now after 7 months with it that it has caused me enormous pain and heartache. I have always been a small girl and only weighed 114 pounds when I got pregnant with my first son. I could eat and eat and eat and lose weight no problems. After my youngest was born I dropped down to 135 and counting UNTIL I got the mirena. Then I just started gaining like crazy and currently weigh 156 pounds! I have also had several other unexplainable problems that have popped up since insertion! HORRIBLE mood swings, depression, urge to kill myself, and anger beyond anything that I have ever experienced before. I have almost lost my marriage to this! Litterally I freaked out and left my husband. I have panic attacks EVERY day! This is not postpardum and I know this because I was even better than fine until the mirena. I have also had ichy skin that breaks out (I didn't even have achne when I was a teenager!). Sore tender breasts, my stomach bulges out like I'm 5 months pregnant, unexplainable leg pain on my left side, horrible hair loss, inablility to concentrate or remember things, cramping on my left side of my abdomin, upset stomach every day similar to IBS symptoms, headaches (where I have to take tylenol every day just to get through work), and the list goes on... I know this is not in my head. I just now put it all together! I remember crying to my husband about 3 months ago telling him that "something is wrong with me, and I'm going to the doctor and refusing to leave until they tell me what it is!" Well I was right! I know I should have but last night after reading about many women doing it I decided to try to take it out super carefully. I pulled on it and it didn't come out like all the women said it would but instead I got a terrible pain in my left side and a strange numb feeling through my pelvis and down my leg! Could it be embedded or something? please tell me I'm not crazy and this "Mirena" is doing this! Also after I do get it removed how long will it take to get back to feeling better? Thanks yall!

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