Thursday, July 14, 2011

Fellow Christians, would God be mad or upset with me...?

I am 17 and a Christian. I am forgiving and nice and never start problems with others, and many people don't start problems with me either. But, my sister is always being obnoxious, nosy, and starts things with me. It is not as much as it used to be, but still happens. Today it was thundering and raining outside, i had to use the bathroom but my dog was hiding in the bathroom because he gets scared of thunder sounds. The bathroom is a reasonable size, but not that big, and he would have been in my way, so i called my dog to get out of the bathroom and he doesn't listen; i try to lure him out of the bathroom with a dog snack and he doesn't listen; so i just had to push him out of the bathroom and then he was finally out of the bathroom and he went to another part of the house. I didn't push him out in a mean way, just kind of like moved him out the door like one would push a table. But my sister seemed to give me attitude just because i moved him out of the bathroom. I tried to say things with reason, but she just closed her door in my face. I try to be a good brother, but she is just an obnoxious person and i love her, but i don't want to deal with her anymore. She is obviously has a problem with me and how i am, (she also brings up long forgotten things of the past to justify her actions towards me when i never did anything and those things were ancient history, which most of those events were just me standing up for myself because she was mean first.) so i don't want to be around her much. When i get old enough, i want to move out on my own and not have to deal with her. I still love her, and might say hi to her on facebook sometimes or even visit. (That form of contact is not long enough for her to start being a jerk again.) I would not be holding a grudge, there is just some people who are impossible to get along with even when you are nice to them. But, just because of all this and how i feel will God be mad at me or think anything i feel/think mentioned here is anything wrong? If i eventually move out in the future and feel happy because i don't have to deal with her being obnoxious, would God be upset with me or feel im unforgiving? Will i be spiritually okay? Thanks!:)

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