Saturday, July 9, 2011

If government entities become obsolete, what does the people do? Please look at this?

I assume by the way you are writing that you are probably under 25, right? Well, for us that are older, we remember when Columbia was the same way Mexico is now. The Columbian drug cartels pretty much ran the country and it took over 10 years to get rid of them. So, we can assume from prior experience that all this Mexico crap is going to take over 10 years to get rid of. We are talking about the year 2020 or so. So, dont get so hyper about all of this. As blood thirsty as these drug dealers are they dont just go around killing people. 9 times out of ten they are killing each other, or going after people like police chiefs. Yes, they do occasionally kill an innocent bystander, which is horrible, but you make it sound like they are just roaming the streets shooting at everyone, which they are not. I do agree with you that we need to spend a LOT more time policing our border, but the stupid politicians are pandering for votes with the hispanics and don't want to do that. (I am hispanic by the way, and will NOT vote for a politician who does not enforce the border)

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