Friday, July 8, 2011

Is it possible to get an std by no visible blood by touching the outer part of the vagina?

I'm a worry-bug, I just wanted to state this out there for answers this so I apologize for how weird my question may sound to those who know more than me, but I found out I was pregnant and am 12 weeks and 2 days today, I've already been tested a month ago yesterday and the doctor told me that the tests came back negative yesterday at my second appt. But about 2 weeks after I took the test, my close friends boyfriend was over and he JUST gt a tattoo, (it was still slightly to moderately bleeding, and I had some greensoap that I had bought to clean the tattoos that I have and so I put on latex gloves and sprayed some green soap on a papertowel and wiped it off, I managed to get some ink (I don't know about blood) on the gloves and I really had to use the bathroom when I was done, so without using my head I took one glove off with the glove I had on and then removed the other glove with my bare handd and basically ran to the bathroom, and I didn't wash my hands, I was wondering if just by touching around your vagina or mouth you could get stds, I wanna make it clear that I did NO insertion at ALL IN the vagina just like when I wiped, I don't even think I touched my mouth but I'm paranoid that I wiped or itched my chin or lip or something (like I said I'm a worry bug) right after I realized what I did I became super paranoid and started to as my husband if he thought I got infected he said no that it had to be like in your blood stream, or an open sore, I've been datin my bf since april 2010 and married since april 2011 and I know for a fact we are both clean as of a month ago, I'm just afraid my stupidity caused me to get infected by ANYTHING, I also texted my friend and asked her if she knew if he had anything and she told me he showed her recent results that he was clean nd that he got the results from a court order since he was fighting for custdy over his son, or something along them lines, do courts even do that or is he lying to her or is she lying to me? The reason I'm so worried is he had a lot of tattoos you can tell were done unprofessionally and a lot he said he done himself, I also don't know him well enough to tell whether or not he has had multiple partners... someone please ease my mind :) anything is appreciated.

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