Thursday, July 14, 2011

What to do with the pokey wire on my braces?

I went to the ortho yesterday and a wire is poking me. Badly. If you have braces, I'm sure you know what wire I'm talking about - the one in the back that sometimes sticks out and pokes the back of your cheek. I will be out of town for the next week, we are leaving town tomorrow at 5 in the morning, which is before my ortho's office opens. I have wax, but it never stays on for more than 2 minutes, it doesnt really help anyway, and I am almost out already. I've tried bending the wire but that does not help. I can't use nail clippers because I am not superhuman and cannot fit them into my mouth at the right angle to snip the wire. I don't know what to do. It hurts SUPER bad, and my cheek is all scratched up. Oh, and also, when I go to the orthodontics and they use the wire cutters in the back of my mouth, I am REALLY REALLY SUPER paranoid they will cut my skin with the wire(because you can feel the wire cutters touching your cheek as they are cutting the wire). I told the lady that works at my orthodontics office and she said that I was being "silly", and that would neverrrr happen. Lo and behold, in the next minute or two, she snipped my skin with the wire cutters, as she had promised me would NOT happen. It hurt SOO FREAKIN BAD. I yelped and told her that she cut me, and she didn't believe me, even though I was BLEEDING FROM IT. I am super scared this will happen again, and every time someone is about to cut a wire on my braces, I start to freak out and I fight the urge to cry(I know, what a wuss). I get this weird tingly feeling all over my body when I feel my skin make contact with the metal wire cutters, like I am about to pass out. How do I calm myself down when they use the wire cutters on me?

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