Monday, July 11, 2011

Need guy advice please!! i like my best friend but i dont know if he likes me :/?

Ok, so i really like this boy who is basically my best guy frend. We row crew together so we spend so much time together, which is great because if he did like me, i know he would like me for me because he has seen me look like **** before and stuff and i can really be myself around him. Crew is over now so we dont see eachother a lot but we text alll day and he kinda says flirty things, but i cant tell if he is being serious or just friendly and joking. Like one time he came over, just him and we just hung out and watched a movie and during the movie we weere sitting real close under the same blanket and stuff but he didnt put his arm around me or anything... I dont really know how to explain this very well but i just wana know if it sounds like he likes me. also if i should like him or not because part of me feels like i shouldnt get into all this because its gunna end badly, like we wont be best friends anymore or it will end up awkward and i dont want that at all.

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