Monday, July 18, 2011

Should I attempt to fix my seemingly broken relationship with my sister?

My sister and I have always been close. She is currently 17 and I am 19. We have both been involved in the arts since we were young, and recently she gave up ballet because she couldn't handle the pressures. I continued with music and ended up getting into a university overseas. Before I left she was really happy for me and we were excited together. She took the year off from school to recuperate after leaving ballet. While I was away my parents said she was becoming more and more difficult and saying some really hurtful things. I encouraged them to keep being gentle with her as I believed it would help. My elder sister moved back home, and yet my younger sister (Amy) was so horrible to her, my older sister had to move back out. When I returned home for the holdiays, my sister was like almost a stranger. She refuses to speak to me, and tells me that I think I control her and I treat her like a child. I don't know what to do!!!! I feel so helpless because I am so angry that she treats my parents so badly. yet she doesn't listen to a thing I say. I still care about her, however she doesn't seem to value that at all. Should I leave her alone? Or attempt to fix it? ANy advice would help please! ! ! !

GH: What's Lulu's job at the brothel?

Any spoilers or insight with this s/l. Is the proprietor (pimp??) telling the truth about Luke or was that to lure Lulu?

Conditioning betta help!!?

Okay so i have a male and a female betta in a 2 gallon tank with a divider just in case. I have had the male for about 3 or 4 months and the female i just got today. I had a female before but she died after laying her eggs. The male made a bubble nest for my last female while she was dead and now its gone. I want to breed themm really badly but how do i condition them.

Beginner questions about fishing?

When it rains fish go deep in the lake.the best type of lure is jigs (try different colors)lures are prob fine unless they are falling my apeniun I think all worms are trash unless are real.and if you mess the hook up in the jig it's fine

Pimples all over my face and jaw?

i've always had an acne problem, but not this bad! it happened about 3 months ago...i started getting tiny pimples ALL OVER my face, and my t-zone area gets big pimples. the side of my face, my jaw and neck used to be smooth but now its all bumpy. the pores on my face are badly clogged, and ive tried going for a facial before and it didnt help.. so im guessing this bad breakout is my clogged pores finally acting out... i dont know what to do! my skin looks horrible and im scared they are guna leave scars if i dont do something quick!

Is the action, origin, and insertion of the internal intercostals of a cat the same as a human?

The origin and insertion are in the ribs in cats but in humans these two are in false ribs, true ribs, verteberal column and in sternum. (Not sure of action)

Does the depo shot really stop your periods..?

I'm looking for another method of birth control that doesn't require a good memory. I'm on the pill now and I have to set an alarm on my phone to be sure I remember to take it. It's annoying. I thought about getting the depo shot but after my mom told me it didn't stop her periods (gave her 6 months of straight bleeding instead) I forgot about that one. My doctor told me I could get an IUD like Mirena but that those cause intense pain during insertion and for days after so I don't want that either. I just want to know how likely it is that the depo will really stop my period like it's supposed to or actually make me bleed for months on end. My doctor couldn't give me a real answer and just said that it can go either way and as I'm not too keen on just waiting to see what will happen, this kind of answer just doesn't really help.

How can I get my boyfriend back if he's in a rebound relationship?

My boyfriend and i were together for 3 months. We cared about each other more then we could say, and i know my boyfriend loved me more then any girl he has ever been with. He's had at least 2 other girlfriends before me and I was the very first girl he kissed. We are meant for each other and things were going really well til something happened between us and I got pissed at him and broke up. We broke up on a friday night and by Monday he was dating someone else. I said i would give us another shot but he said he had found someone else. I'm so confused because I know i meant way more to my boyfriend then this new girl does. And he always said he didnt like blondes. . . Now his new girlfriend is a blonde and she is my ex bestfriends' sister. I dont know why he would want to be with her because her entire family is so b*tchy and they just treat him like crap but he still keeps telling me that he's moved on. If he's moved on then why does he still text me and want to be friends? And i know he still cares about me because he wouldnt give me one of his friends' numbers so i could text him. . .when i asked he just changed the subject. I think deep down inside he still wants me, he just doesnt want to admit it. Everyone says me and him are meant for each other and everyone thinks we should be together. . .not him and his new girlfriend. My ex is the only one that thinks he should be with this new girl. I havent texted him for 3 weeks. What should i do? People say he'll come running back wanting me, but its been a month and they still havent broken up. How long do rebound relationships last. . .and is this a rebound relationship? Please give me lots of advice because I need it. My ex means everything to me and i want him back so badly! Thanks:)

My Black Ops setup, good or bad?

On class one Scout is fairly useless on. Scout is better suited for your sniping class. Other then that everything else seems ok.

How do you have sex properly?

Do lots of fore-play. Use a KY gel if you are using condom. Use an oil (preferably a baby oil) if you are not using condom. Good luck.*

Is it dangerous to have one root canal filled with a different brand of material than the other two roots?

I had an unfinished root canal procedure a day ago. Upon what was supposed to be my second and last visit to the dentist, and during the procedure, my dentist and his assistant realized that they did not have the appropriate size fill in material from the same brand for all of my three roots. He decided to use two of the same brand in two canals, and one of the other brand in the last. It sounded like one of the differences between the material was the size specifications differed from one brand to the other, plus the oven in which they placed it to prepare for insertions differed. Will this complicate things? He filled the crown portion with temporary material and scheduled me to come back four days later. This morning I woke up feeling swollen on that side of my jaw. Help! I'm nervous about this whole thing. I will not go back to him after he finishes this whole procedure. Thanks!

Tried to get Mirena removed, no luck. Please read?

What a crappy doctor.. Go somewhere else. Mirena can cause future infertility if it causes too much damage in your uterus, and a tell tale sign in cramping, especially if it is painful. I just went to a regular clinic and they removed mine there. A doctor who tells you they will try again next time should be reported, he/she should not have let you leave the office without it being removed, especially since it is unaccessable with regular procedures.

How to motivate him into wanting a relationship?

We have been talking for 4 months, we reallly like eachother alot. He has decided that he doesn't know what he wants. He's decided to just do nothing and see what happens...Which is what we've been doing. He doesn't have a drive to date right now. He's busy with 2 jobs, baseball, and other stuff, and doesn't have that much time for me. Plus we live an hour apart, which makes it more difficult. We've seen eachother once in the past month. Plus he doesnt want to lose me if we were to date and break up. We've went through a hell of a lot these past 4 months. I am running out of patience. We got in an argument over this and he just told me to be confident, be there for him, keep doing what we're doing, and wait to see what happens. I like him and want to hold on, but I dont want to wait around for nothing. I won't leave unless someone else motivates me to (like i finnd someone better). How can I sorta "lure" him into wanting to have a relationship with him?

Is my attorney's approach too passive? should he be more aggressive?

I just feel as though my attorney is being too passive. I consulted another attorney and he told him his approach would be very different. it makes me wonder if this attorney is just trying to get my business or does he really think he could/will do a better job? The judge granted my ex a restraining order based on the fact that she is afraid. Which is BS because she contacts me and attempts to lure me in to breaking the order. The judge did however give me more time with my son and refused to grant a restraining order for him. There has been no abuse like my ex claims. The cops have never been called during our eight years. She never brought up any of this until we broke up and went to court. Now she is claiming that my nine year old nephew has sexually abused our son when he was with me. it is impossible since my son is always with me. She keeps coming up with claims and has no proof of any of them. yet, my attorney just keeps saying, "she has burden of proof." But he does not seem to be attacking this very aggressively in fact he seems to just sit by and let her say things. I am worried because the trial is coming up and I want to have my son on overnights and weekends. I am a caring and loving father. I have no criminal record. I have never harmed her or our son ever! I just feel like my attorney is sitting by doing nothing. Am I just being too worried? What should i do?

Can you get clips that close your ear shut without insertion of the canal?

I want to find something that will close my ears at night for a better night sleep but I dont want anything that fits into my ear, even in the outer part. I would like something comfortable that holds or clips the very back of the ear and the other side of the opening closed. This would also be ideal in the way that it could be reusable and wouldn't need to be thrown away. Thanks.

Confused about Paypal charges?

I have recently begun selling on ebay but the charges Paypal are making are confusing me. The item I sold went for �5.50, with postage costs of �3.00. Therefore I should makes �8.50 minus ebay insertion fees etc. Now I go print a packaging label, which takes me to Paypal. The item weighed only 0.1kg and Paypal charges me �4.41 to print a packaging label! I didn't know you had to pay to print the label, nothing like that on Amazon. So I still have to take the package to my post office and pay to send it, that's most of the �8.50 I made gone :( Can anyone help me figure out the charges Paypal are making? Thanks.

My mom won't let me dye my hair?

I'm 13 years old and I want to dye my hair a dark-ish brown. Right now I have hair that's sort of in-between light and medium brown hair with natural blonde highlights. I want to dye my hair darker bcause I think it will look really nice with my skin and eye color, and also I just got braces and I think it'll work a lot better with them than my current color. However, one of my friends is always dying her hair really badly and it looks terrible on her because she dyes it unnatural colors like orange and black (which doesn't look natural because she's pale with green-blue eyes) and then doesn't take care of it so you can see her roots. My mom says that she, and i quote, "looks like a cheap hooker". I have no clue how my mom drew that conclusion but anyways, because of her I'm not allowed to dye my hair. I can get a streak in it, like a blue or purple streak, but most of my hair has to remain this color. I think that is 100% unfair and unreasonable. The reason I want to dye it is because she forced me to get braces, which I absolutely did not want (my teeth aren't even crooked). Besides, tons of kids at my school dye their hair and look great with it. It's just that the only kid she's seen with dyed hair does it terribly and doesn't take care of it. How can I convince her to let me dye my hair????? I'm half considering riding my bike to the store and just getting a box of dye, just because she is ALWAYS doing stuff like this. Like, last year she took me to the store to buy summer clothes, and picked out most of what I bought. Now this year, after barely growing at all, she complains that everything I wear is innapropriate even though everything I'm wearing is what she picked out for me. Mostly it doesn't really matter to me, I don't care about wearing longer shorts and stuff, but I really want to dye my hair.

How bad does an IUD (Mirena) hurt?

It's not that bad at all. You definitely don't need dilaudid. My GYN told me to take 2 OTC pills beforehand and that was all I needed, if even that. There is a feeling of pressure, but not much else. My GYN gave me a cervical block since I've never had kids either, so I didn't feel much, plus its a quick process, so there is no need for drugs like dilaudid. After I got mine put in I went back to grad school for a full day of classes with no problems.

Please help me: What should I do when I want to leave and not burden anyone anymore? Where should I go?

I feel very sorry about your family problems and i understand your anger management but if you really love them and if i were in your shoes just try your ABSOLUTE BEST to never say anything mean or hurtful or rude or back-talky and always tell them that you love them and that your sorry for being hurtful, and just try to be the peacemaker. Because every family needs one of them. I hope i helped out in any way. Stay strong <3

My friend of the opposite sex thinks I want her - I dont - what do I say?

I think all you can do now is behave like the professional you are. You dont owe this woman anything from the personal point of view, and she does owe you a professional performance at work. Disregard what you see as the elephant in the room. What she may mistakenly believe about you is her own problem, and it is not up to you to explain anything. Tell her, as an employee, which she is, that she needs to pull her weight and get organized for the presentation, or it will have professional and career repercussions. Tell her you value her abilities, but that you cant overlook the fact that she is jeopardising the whole project by not working to the high standards she is capable of, and that she needs to apply herself immediately to rectifying this. It's not a personal issue, it's a professional one. People have to behave professionally regardless of what's going on in their own minds and private lives, and learning this is something she has to do.

What has happened to kids?, They're 18 when they should be 12?.?

This is sparked by a incident that happened today, (I posted about it, and it sparked this massive thought, bare with me guys). So I was walking with a friend and this group of absolute kids starting hurling abuse at us, We'd done nothing to them at all, From a physical stand point we had atleast 50 pounds and a good 1-2ft on the biggest on there, (I don't Digress It's relevent, trust) They just didn't care, and carried on being lippy and saying things like "Come on then" "Fight me you Pussy" , These are random kids, We walked passed but were left feeling like we'd lost, What happened to kids, at the age of the 12? I was playing with toys and building dens, I'm only 16 now granted, But even I can see the detremency of kids these days, It's annoying becuase we alll get hated, Yeah I don't disagree with being reckless, going to partys, yes I'll get drunk and I'll enjoy my life, But it's in houses - Regardless I'm a hypocrit I guess, I don't get what these kids are doing, How badly would I be punished for retaliating verbally, or if needs be phyically? I would never do that, 5 years of karate actaully taught me some sort of disapline - The amount I have digressed on this question - Hope you enjoyed my life story. Anyway, yeah, Whats with kids thinkng they own the world? It's really annoyed - (Yeah, I'm still a kid, I know)

Could I be pregnant?!?

Ive had my impanon for a month now. When I first got it the doctor told me to wait 2 weeks until having unprotected sex just to be sure. But me and my bf had unprotected sex a little more than a week after insertion. And now I am very worried bc I am having many pregnancy symptoms (bloating, fatigue, strange cravings, a little sore breasts, nausea, headaches, lightheaded, gas, constapation, stomach pains on my left side but the pain is nothing too severe just barely enough to notice) and I am very worried. I just had a light bleeding for a week but I have no idea if it's my period or if it might be implantation bleeding?? Ive take a few pregnancy tests before the bleeding started and they all came back negative. Since it is a progesterone only birthcontrol could I just be experiencing the side affects of the implanon??? If anyone could please help me i would greatly appreciate it!!!!

My dad's all caps rage war?

lately my dad has been unusually aggressive he does not abuse any1 or anything, but he just rages very often and whenever me or my bro step out of line even unintentunaly he rages badly, and confiscates our equipment. yesterday he confiscated my mobile b/c i tripped and dropped a few papers he wanted. what had happened was he called me from outside about 6 inc out of the house and asked me to get a few papers from his briefcase i got them for him and steeped outside, but i did not have my shoe on so i could not go passed the yard. he was in the car just outside and on the phone i w8ed till he finished and said "dad i don't have my shoe on atm mind stepping out of ur car and taking the paper" he raged a bit (tbh i don't blame him) and asked me to go put on my shoe and come out, and i did but on the way i tripped and fell with the papers in my hand i quickly piled them back up and gave them to him (he ofc saw the papers falling) the papers where perfectly fine all that had happened was there was a bit of dust on the folder. he went into an all caps rage and confiscated everything including my phone the annoying thing is that it is the only phone in the house with my numbers i tried transfusing them but it will just take to long i have about 350 numbers in there and the thing that actually ticks me off is that he knows i can't go more than a day without my phone i don't text or anything but i generally get a lot of urgent calls from my friends my phone is also usually on silent so it does not disturb him and i payed for it as well 100% so yea im not rly sure what to do. i tryed talking to him but every time i did he just confiscated it for a longer period of time. im thinking of swiping his visa card as soon as he gets home (in-front of him ofc) and going to the nearest atm and jacking the phones money and putting it in my bank account and as soon as i get home ill tell him to keep the damn phone i don't want it anymore this is the exact 7th time he's confiscated my phone and in all previous 6 times ive missed out on a lot and he knows it.

How badly do bellybutton piercings and tongue piercings hurt?

I have my tongue, nose, eyebrow, and the left side of my lip done (besides my ears) And I must say my tongue was honestly the least painful thing I had done I didn't feel a thing. The worst part about it was the clamp they use to pull your tongue out, and that obviously doesn't hurt but you can feel it. You don't really feel the tongue ring going in, Mine was swollen and a little bit sore for about 3 days after but not bad just hard to eat some things and talk. Had mine about 6 years.

Need a runescape lurering partner?

ok i found a good way to lure people with lunar spells but i realy need someone that has lunar spells and 90+ magic a group tele spell. i plan on splitting cash made 50/50 and please no people who say "luring is dishonest" and "its against the rules" when realy jagex has sayed that when it comes to the wildy your on your own. so please post your user name and i will add you or if you dont want to just email me at thanks!!!!

My brothers scared to death christiananity problam?

my brother is crying wyning and he is scared to death he just learned about blaspemy he is 11 he thinks he commited it and he is srry very badly srry and i just dont know what to do plz help my parents arent here

Why do I still care? I need opinions ...thank you for your time.?

I think you have to be apart, very far from him, if all he said is true, he shouldn't turn his back to you, when a man really love you they do everything for you, no matter if they have a family, kids, wife if they are mama's boy or not when a man want to be with a women they do what ever takes to be with us, keep all your intensive love for the one, that really deserve it. Keep Your mind apart of him it will be easy to forget. Always think! "the person that want to be with me has to live and die with me and for me, when they are in love for us they act like crazes".

Help!! Im trying to remember a movie name!!?

I know its a chiller TV original movie and its about these a group of kids who are outcasts and they lure jocks and other kids into a building for a party, then they put on masks and chain them up and torture them. plzzz help!!

How do i break up?I told him its over and he wont let me go?

He lies all the time about where he is,i only see him once a week,he has hit me once very badly(i got in the hospital),he is a model and works pr at nightclubs(i hate that),i suspect he is a player.Plus we ve never had sex together even though he s not a virgin.He only wants bjs.He cries and begs and tells me im his everything etc.He keeps calling even though i dont pick it up.And he comes by my house.He always does that and in the end i take him back.How do i do it for good this time?In the past i had been trying to break up with him for two consecutive months,ignoring him,insulting him,not seeing him.we have been dating for 3 years.Why is he insisting?

My boyfriend is addicted to his Xbox what do I do?!?

We both love each other so much and I always knew he loved to play COD. But ever since the summer started and I guess all his guy friends got to go on it he doesn't really talk to me much anymore. I know it's only been like a week but I miss talking to him on the phone so badly, the last time I called which was three days ago he barely spoke on the phone and I said I'll just go and he said no no no I want to talk to you. But then I found out he was on Xbox(COD) at the same time! Lol. And then before I saw him a couple days ago he said he was depressed and cause he couldn't see me every day anymore and when we saw each other he looked so happy. Like he gives me this look that I just know he loves me. I know he cares it just gives me a feeling that he doesn't. He'll still text me every day, but he takes forever to respond and he isn't very talkative because he's on COD, or he is tired. One time he did call me after COD which was 2 in the morning and he just fell asleep on the phone haha. I don't know if this is something worth talk about with him or that maybe I should avoid him until he misses me and decides to call? Like during the school year he used to call me almost every night and ask to pull an all nighter on the phone on like a Wednesday but now that its summer I guess he's bored because he doesn't have his license yet and has to babysit his brother. Just what I see right now is that he'd rather play COD then talk to me, which hurts. Honestly.

Dating a co-worker: What's the worst that could happen?

If it goes bad it will become very awkward and couples need time apart so they dont feel suffocated.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Medical malpractice?... Please Help! Anyones suggestions even if you have no law or medical background?

Ok, i had implanon (a form of birth control that is inserted in your arm for up to 3 years) inserted in sept 08' after having my daughter. I went to have it removed just over a week ago and discovered it was not there. We had in office surgery and 2 sonograms. I contacted the doctor who "supposedly" inserted it and he said it could have fallen out of the needle before insertion. When he inserted it, he told me he could feel it and i would be protected, same with the followup exam a week later. Is this a case... Him saying i had birth control when he clearly DID NOT do his job (if you couldnt feel it in the beginning you were supposed to do a sonogram right away... If it was not there, put one in place then)? HELP ME! I did fall pregnant a year later, took a hpt with 3 positives, and had miscarried a few weeks later (i believe.. I did not have insurance to go to the doc).

What should happen to the American pedophiles?

as someone else said, in many countries this is legal. And many times it is their own parents who sell them. I see no use to keep any pedophile alive. But it would stop a great deal of it in the states if illegals were not here!

Why do I always have this fantasy? I can't get it off my mind?

Wow that is a very strange fantasy.....well perhaps its just your brain's way of expressing your confusion over ur sex

SERIOUS ISSUES...need some insight!! ?

I have recently been diagnosed with HPV the kind that causes GW. Two weeks ago, I slept with an old ex (who also has HPV) We were a bit intoxicated & me being completely irresponsible, decided to not use protection. Immediately after, I experienced pain & swelling. I figured it was due to the roughness, or lack of lubrication. The next morning, I was having several UTI like symptoms, pain while urinating, burning, difficulty urinating & just general discomfort in that area. I had a full prescription for antibiotics used to treat them & started them assuming there was no way an STD could show up instantly & although i was still a bit worried i decided not to stress because im a clinical hypochondriac. I also suffer from anxiety so Ive learned that usually the issues i worry about are much less severe than i think. So 2 days later, while still suffering from the UTI, i developed pain in my upper thigh that radiates about halfway to my knee. A week later the symptoms of the UTI had gone, i felt better, but NOW...the leg pain is back. I had intercourse with the same ex last night, it had been two weeks since the last time. It hurt upon insertion but the pain faded after a few minutes, immediately after there was swelling & localized pain on my labia & around the vagina. We used a condom this time and it wasnt rough. Now the leg pain is back, on the same side as the genital pain. I dont see any bumps or lesions just redness in the spot where it hurts im wondering if this has something to do with the UTI (since i didnt finish the whole prescription of the bactrim) or if its something worse. I thought maybe it might be pain from an untreated GW :( but the leg pain, from what ive read sounds like HSV(herpes) Im terrified & disgusted by the im in pain & im freaking out. This has ruined my life, the ex is a great guy & was open about HPV from the beginning. Hes never mentioned HSV. I have a dr appt friday but would like to know what this sounds like? HSV? If anyone has an idea id love to have some input :( thanks

Can anyone tell me the title of this movie?

So, I saw this movie but cannot remember the name of it. These two girls get lured to a party. They get sexually assaulted. One becomes a vegetable, the other tries to get revenge. Does anybody know the title?

Is the action, origin, and insertion of the internal intercostals of a cat the same as a human?

The origin and insertion are in the ribs in cats but in humans these two are in false ribs, true ribs, verteberal column and in sternum. (Not sure of action)

Did people involved in Collins submarine software possess the "integrity advantage" ?

To have the Integrity Advantage, you do not lie or cheat on the small things; and, as a result, you are not corrupted by the larger temptations - the lure of power, prestige or money. Just as important, if you have integrity, you stick to your internal code of morality, even at the risk of losing your comfortable place in the world.

What is going on with this girl?

Sounds like her and your old friends talk **** about you alot behind your back! She sounds a bit two faced find a new girl to crush on!

How to get someone back? NEED BYE TODAY!?

Im 13, my brother and I were sent to clean up the back yard after a party. He acts like he's the king of the house and it annoys the hell out of me!! I want to hit him so hard but i know he'll beat the crap out of me! Anyway, He made me flinch by fake punching me and i said no i didn't and he told me to pick something up and when i came back up he swung at me and i blocked it. Then he hit me in the face with his other hand hard and i wanted to KILL HIM ( not really ;) I knew he would hurt me badly if i hit him back so i locked him out. as i'm writing this he's banging on the windows. How should i get him back? I don't want to snitch because thats stupid, and i don't wanna tell my mom or dad. I want to get him back without hurting him or him hurting me?? NEED BY TODAY PEOPLE!

What turns guys on and how?

I want somebody to notice me really badly! I've tried being funny and even acting a little cute sometimes but i dont really know how to get him to really look at me. ?

How do i fix my hydraulic lift gate?

i have an older chevy truck that has an older monarch lift gate. i had the motor pump and the rest of the unit rebuilt. after i picked it up and put it in the way i took it out it wont work. there is power. the switch is working fine. when you try to bring it up is gives it a good shot and tenses up but it doesnt want to pull it up. its trying but everything i do i cant get it to go up. i had hydraulic oil and drained that out because the company says that tranny fluid is better to use so i put that in. i have beed told to bleed it but im not sure if i did it right whats the best way? the whole motor pump and anything connected to that is new. thefluid line seemed fine. is there a bleeded? how do you think i could fix this. i need it to work badly, im 17 on a budget useing this truck daily its killing me. any help would be awesome thanks

Im 10 and going through puberty and having watery discharge?

Hi.. im anushka and im on my discharge.. i had it for 3-6 months and a clear white discharge for months.. from last week i noticed some heavy watery discharge.. some times there are little white stuff too.. but most likely its watery.. sometimes i think i peed in my pants.. or i think i started my period.. do u think my period might be coming that's why only less white discharge is coming out? or something else... I hope my period is coming CUZ I want it sooooooo badly... believe me! I havent had it yet.. my first period :P and my friends started they're when they're ten too so.. and almost 11 because my b-day is on 22nd july :) any ideas in how many months or weeks i'll get my period?

Call of Duty: Black Ops Tactical Insertion Flare?

What type of flare is used in Call of Duty Black Ops for the Tactical Insertion? It's some kind of electronic flare but I cannot find a name. Reason I would like to know is I need to purchase a few for an upcoming short film i'm directing. Thank you.

Fishing tips needed!?

Ok so every sunday me my 2 brothers and my dad go to a dock on Courthouse Lake in Minnesota to go fishing and have a bet for 100 bucks to see who can catch 20 sunfish first. The rules are you must use worms and can only use the lures and bobbers in the tackle box (Tons of different stuff in there ). I usually only have 4 fish by the time someone gets 20. Usually when I fish I use a regular Hook and a red and white bobber. The fish are really hungry there and you can see them in the water. When ever I fish The sunnys just steal the bait or when they get there mouth in the hook i yank up and they fall off. So i really need tips and strategy's for fishing these pumpkinseed sunfish. thanks

I wish somebody can tell me what is going on with my husband?

I am very upset lately because my husband left me and after a while came back after begging him. He seems to always be telling me he loves me when I am acting non-chalant and almost callous to him. As soon as I start to act like I love him back and tell him that we are going out as a family, and invite him, he says "it's too soon, we have had a lot of fights and a lot of hurt." He says we'll do things in the future, but right now we need space. I try to respect that and as soon as I don't call his cell phone, he calls 3 times an hour. I finally pick up the phone, and then he acts callous and plays like he has to go, busy, etc. I call him later and he doesn't pick up. It FEELS like a game of hide and seek or something. My kids are definately feeling the tension. What is this game about? When I tell him I want to leave because I am not feeling loved, but strung along, and then he actually cries. What is this?! Can someone tell me how to get my best friend and husband back, because I can't sleep every night now for months because of this. I feel like he wants to hang on to hurt. It feels like he wants space and I want closeness. When space is given, why does he try to lure me in again??

Can someone help me on MW2 ps3?

I need someone to help me boost.. like i kill this one guy through the whole match and get a nuke, you use tactical insertion... does anyone want to helpe me?? i'll help you!

On a scale from 1-10 how badly does eyebrow waxing hurt?

1 being painless and 10 being near extreme pain. i know everyone reacts different to things, but i'd like some opinions (:

Colonic irrigation system?

I don't have one of those red bags with the insertion nd I have no Idea what I should use instead. Any ideas?

Is this a good sign I'm gay?

I'm 16 and lots of girls an boys hit me up and try and get with me but I'm alwys more excited when cute boys hit me up and I fantasize about stickin it up an attractive boys @$$$ and gettin it up the @$$$ and feeling up another boy who's cute and especially squeezing his @$$$ . I do like both girls and boys but I would much rather stick it in a boys @$$$, I just wana do this so so so so badly ;)

Where can I get Dancing with the Stars Toxic music?

I don't remember the season but Mark and Maksim's brother had like a battle and they played toxic with the violin and guitar. I reeeeeally want the audio sooooo badly but I can't seem to find it on itunes!!! :/ any suggestions where I can get the song? Here is the video if you don't know what I'm talking about: Pleeease help I have the bets idea to mix it with something and maybe choreograph something to itt!!! :(

If an attempt to have sex during a date goes really wrong, how should a couple proceed?

Decision was made to have sex...Unfortunately the circumstances weren't optimal. The woman had difficulty becoming aroused due to where she was at in her menstural cycle and some anxiety. He has a large attempt at intercourse was made, yet she was in pain and it was stopped. A second attempt was made and only partial insertion could be made...she gave him oral sex, but he didn't climax. Considering these facts (definitely just a really bad mix of circumstances), did this couple "have sex" or not?? Does it make sense to say that the couple did not have sex or was sex had but it was just a disaster??

Is my Mirena the cause of all my problems?

Hi. I'm a 23 year old female and mother of 2 little boys 20months and 8months. After my youngest was born at my 6 week mark I elected to have the Mirena inserted. I am convinced now after 7 months with it that it has caused me enormous pain and heartache. I have always been a small girl and only weighed 114 pounds when I got pregnant with my first son. I could eat and eat and eat and lose weight no problems. After my youngest was born I dropped down to 135 and counting UNTIL I got the mirena. Then I just started gaining like crazy and currently weigh 156 pounds! I have also had several other unexplainable problems that have popped up since insertion! HORRIBLE mood swings, depression, urge to kill myself, and anger beyond anything that I have ever experienced before. I have almost lost my marriage to this! Litterally I freaked out and left my husband. I have panic attacks EVERY day! This is not postpardum and I know this because I was even better than fine until the mirena. I have also had ichy skin that breaks out (I didn't even have achne when I was a teenager!). Sore tender breasts, my stomach bulges out like I'm 5 months pregnant, unexplainable leg pain on my left side, horrible hair loss, inablility to concentrate or remember things, cramping on my left side of my abdomin, upset stomach every day similar to IBS symptoms, headaches (where I have to take tylenol every day just to get through work), and the list goes on... I know this is not in my head. I just now put it all together! I remember crying to my husband about 3 months ago telling him that "something is wrong with me, and I'm going to the doctor and refusing to leave until they tell me what it is!" Well I was right! I know I should have but last night after reading about many women doing it I decided to try to take it out super carefully. I pulled on it and it didn't come out like all the women said it would but instead I got a terrible pain in my left side and a strange numb feeling through my pelvis and down my leg! Could it be embedded or something? please tell me I'm not crazy and this "Mirena" is doing this! Also after I do get it removed how long will it take to get back to feeling better? Thanks yall!

Bodys acting funny. Is this normal? Ladies help please.?

Ive been having really bad cramps recently and not feeling too well. I put in a tampon for the first time ever and it felt comfortable, no problem. Unfortunately like a minute later I feel sick to my stomach and lightheaded. I had sudden diarrhea and then starting gagging. I dont know if these are effects from my period because I do get diarrhea usually while on it or if its because of the tampon? It could just be a coincidence that this happened right after the insertion of it.

Where can i order slam baits and lures?

bascicailly any site that sells them rapala's site or thundermist lures's site are my fav. places to shop

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Im 10 and going through puberty and having watery discharge?

Hi.. im anushka and im on my discharge.. i had it for 3-6 months and a clear white discharge for months.. from last week i noticed some heavy watery discharge.. some times there are little white stuff too.. but most likely its watery.. sometimes i think i peed in my pants.. or i think i started my period.. do u think my period might be coming that's why only less white discharge is coming out? or something else... I hope my period is coming CUZ I want it sooooooo badly... believe me! I havent had it yet.. my first period :P

Does anyone know of a font which will allow the insertion of a flat line over a vowel to stress the syllable?

Thanks. I am trying to find a font which allows me to indicate where the emphasis on pronouncing a word lies by putting a straight line over that vowel (as in the 'vow' in 'vowel') Thanks!

Car Battery Died; Head lights?

Okay so 12 in the morning i went for a drive. Parked my car (badly) on the side of the road and went for a walk in the woods. I guess i left my headlights one because I came back and the battery was dead and no lights would turn on. I tried to start it again after a few minutes with no luck so I hiked back home. Do I have to jumpstart it or will the battery be fine after a couple of hours? It's 3:30 now and its only half a mile away. Anyway I can get it home without jumpstarting or is it a must?

Alternatives to PhraseExpress?

It is a great tool for inserting long bits of text I frequently type. I've also gotten used to the text prediction. I keep getting buy me messages (and text inserts) but it's only worth $15 to me, not $50. Does anyone know of alternative software that does text insertion and also anticipates my typing?

A Sonnet for your Bonnet?

I can understand no more beer served to you..The leech is someone that has attached itself to you and wont let go. You had rather someone to leave a lasting impression like a stinger from a wasp. I hear you loud and clear. I love metaphors. Good one Dave.

There is a horror/thriller movie i have been trying to find out for some time, can someone help me solve it?

this story is about a family that moves into an old house,(or have been living there) and they have a little girl.she often plays in those little plastic cottages you can get for young girls. but when you see her playing with her"fairy friends" they are very grotesque looking. the fairy-gnomes whatever they are are the subject of the terror in this movie as they place tricks on people. And when the gardener tries to warn the family, they use a tripwire and make him fall on a pair of hedge clippers. eventually, their little girl goes missing and why are looking for her, when they hear her favorite music box(which they used to lure the little girl into the tunnels i belive) and they find out there is a network of tunnels under the house, in which these fairies live. i do not remember if they get her free or not but i do remember them finding her wrapped up in some sort of a cocoon. i also remember one other scene, them ripping wallpaper off the walls and finding words or blood underneath... but im not sure where that fits in. any help would be apriciated because ive been trying to find this for a while. it was probably made within the last 20-25 years.

Can a girl get pregnant without sex and the guy ejaculating?

So my girlfriend is a little worried that she might be pregnant. Her breasts feel tender and she's been having some mood swings. The first day of her last period was April 22, 2011 and she started having these feelings yesterday (May 7, 2011). Last time we "fooled" around was on April 30th and her cycle usually runs for 26 days but she's has had cycles that can range anywhere from 21 days to 32 days!!! We think it's too early for her to be having the symptoms she's having, but the only thing is we don't have sex!!! The most we do is rub our genitals together, but there is no insertion and there is no ejaculation either. If she is pregnant, the only way is if my pre-*** had sperm in it and it found its way to her vagina otherwise we're just panicking. I reiterate that I did not ejaculate near her or even around the time I was with her. Whenever I do ejaculate I make sure I'm far away from her and that I take a leak before I get close to her. Bottomline, is it possible to get pregnant simply by rubbing genitals together but without any ejaculation? Is pre-*** that potent???

Im 10 and going through puberty and having watery discharge?

Hi.. im anushka and im on my discharge.. i had it for 3-6 months and a clear white discharge for months.. from last week i noticed some heavy watery discharge.. some times there are little white stuff too.. but most likely its watery.. sometimes i think i peed in my pants.. or i think i started my period.. do u think my period might be coming that's why only less white discharge is coming out? or something else... I hope my period is coming CUZ I want it sooooooo badly... believe me! I havent had it yet.. my first period :P and my friends started they're when they're ten too so.. and almost 11 because my b-day is on 22nd july :)

Catching bass and trout?

I use lures for them. For bass soft plastics work pretty well for me and they are cheap and disposable. For trout you can either fly fish or use smaller lures like spoons or phoebes or rooster tails.

A question about workman's compensation?

I work offshore and got my arm trapped in-between a valve I got 10 thousand compensation and my work sacked me so it wasn't really worth it lol

Ladies question about soft cup insertion?

Hi tampons i hate them i can never get them in right and pads ugh odor and feeling wet and uncomfy i just invested in softcups i saw a video on how to insert one when should i practice on my period or before? since its not like dry cotton would it be okay to practice before and what are some of your opinions on them?

U.S. Army Special Operations Combat Diver.?

I've recently watched the episode on "Surviving the Cut" about the Army's special operations combat divers and was wondering about them. Would anyone have any knowledge on these guys? I'm more or less curious on if they actually use their training? It's only that I've never heard of either Rangers or Green Berets using Combat Diving as an Insertion/Extraction technique in any conflict I've read about. So what I'm asking is have these guys possess the same skill set as SEALS or if I'm looking at Combat Diving should I even bother looking at the Army as an option? Thank you for reading.

Tokyo FM online cannot be listened to online outside of Tokyo?

I tried and could not get thru - an error message popped up that says "there is a sound error (in Japanese)". I read that it can only be listened to in Tokyo and vicinity. But why? I badly want to listen to the broadcast of an upcoming concert - I am in the United States.

Sex addiction im scared for somebody... Please help?

I think my cousin is addicted to sex, he always talks about his experiences with girls and he has naked girls on his walls. He cheats on his girlfriends to have sex with other girls. And just the other day that scared me he hit on me and tried to lure me into bed by touching me. Can this be caused by the addiction? Youll go after your cousin? Hes 15

Can I have a bath if I have pityriasis rosea?

Its so cold and I really badly want one, but from what I've read it can make the rash so much worse and spread it more. Any help?

What is this film called?

It's set in the deep south and it's a little white girl who gets friendly with this old black couple. The dad and brother would go to bars and use the mum as bait to lure guys then rob them. Can't remember much of the story but in the end the black couple give the little girl an apron I think! Sounds stupid but it's a nice film!

Has the devil ever tried to tempt you to do something you knew was wrong?

Yes absolutely, he does to us all. Bc the flesh is in opposition/war at/with the Spirit. But we must remember our weapons are spiritual! nd that THROUGH CHRIST we are MORE than Conquerors!!!

Christians: Are we really supposed to love our enemies?

I thought they white-ed that part out of the Bible. I think it was a mis-print or a delusional insertion by some Cistercian monk. I was always taught to look down on people who weren't going to heaven with me. Don't tell me I have to love those Governor Dean anti-immigrant people down in Georgia? I think I'm going to throw-up!!

Can we have intercourse during the usage of vaginal softgel capsules?

can we have intercourse during the usage of vaginal softgel capsules, i use the tab insertion before going to bed. can i have intercourse with my husband before that tab

What is the best bass lure?

I have my own 14 foot Jon boat and I love to fish. My lake has a lot of weeds so I use topwater. What is the best topwater lure for bass? Also I like to rig Zoom Super Flukes with no weights so I can throw it on lily pads and algae. What are good worms for that too?

Concerns about IUDs anyone with an opinion?

Yes, they are improved and you don't feel the string at all. Tubal ligation is permanent unless you have 7000.00 for a tubal reversal. I had a tubal ligation and my periods were hard and I cramped so bad. I also regretted my decision and ended up having a tubal reversal which was 7000.00 and I had two ectopic s before a full term baby.


Half of this crap was in past games. Infinity ward is making the game. They are legally not allowed to use anything strictly made by Treyarch in their game. That means no Zombies, no emblem creator, and no REZNOV. :( (By the way Call of Duty sucks balls)

Doctors in Dallas,TX who buy Paragard IUD.?

Irronic lol I just posted a question about the paraguard iud. I live in cleburne tx that's about 45 minutes south of dallas. My dr, dr tracy Pipkin does use that form she has an office at walls regional hospital that's in cleburne. Good luck! Btw she is the best!

Sunburn help!!!!!!!!?

I live at the beach! Don't don't go very much because it's always cloudy and the waters cold. But it was nice today! So I went for a couple hours and when I got home it turned out I missed the HOLE back of my legs! It burns badly and the worst part is... I have anime expo tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I'm Rin Kagamine so like my whole leg is showing!!!!!!! It's reeaaaaaaalllllyyyyy red! What do I do!?!?!?!

How do I change the split screen effect in Game Maker 7?

I'm making a game with split screen multiplayer. It's kind of like Battlefield Bad Company. In multiplayer, player one can have an M249 SAW, an HS10, etc. In the SAW object, I made the rule that if you press Keypad 2, it deletes M249 SAW, and creates HS10 (a separate object). There is also a view changing script that changes the view number when the HS10 is created. The problem is, whenever I press Keypad 2, it doesn't delete M249 SAW and it doesn't create the HS10. I know the game reads the rule, because whenever I press Keypad 2, instead of doing what is said, it drops a "tactical insertion", or in other words it gives M249 SAW a new spawn point, so whenever player 2 kills him, player 1 spawns on where player 1 last pressed Keypad 2. Help?

EBay and PayPal selling costs?

I want to sell something on eBay worth about $150. I know that eBay charges and insertion fee and a final sale fee but will they also charge on the money that goes into my paypal when I sell the item? Also will they charge me when I withdrawal the money from paypal and put it into my checking account? Thanks!

Master Sergeant Gary Gordon, The USA military, then and now. 1993 (somalia, mogadishu)?

Thank you for recognizing him and his team. I'm glad they finally came out with Black Hawk Down which showed alot of what happened to the Pilots, Rangers, and Delta who were involved in the missions.

A muscle's insertion?

D is the correct answer. Insertion is on the bone that moves and origin is on the other end that does not move

Atheists, Why does gay marriage land lead in pedophile cases, child prostitution, gay rape and child porn?

I used to live in Oklahoma. There was more perversion and incest there than in the Netherlands. You can CLAIM christian superiority, but facts show otherwise.

How do i fish a frog lure?

i'm still learning about artificial lures and have started increasing my collection of top water lures over the last year or so. i've heard a lot of people saying that they have luck with frogs, like the SPRO bronzeye series lures. i'm seriously thinking of investing in some, but would like some input as to what techniques to use when fishing them, and what colors seem to be the most productive.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Teens: Do you think my fundraiser will work?

yeah, people are always willing to give money to charity even little pennies are worth something. so even seeing a penny on the floor will help a little. you can do anything for money these days. good luck.


Okay So for the past year ive been addicted to ice ..... Do i have admedia or sumthing i think i do.. any foods that can boosst iron.. IM SCARED :X

Why is it painful for me?

You could have a condition called vaginimus (only way to cure this is dilator therapy) which is extreme contractions of the vaginal muscles; it is also associated with the fear of pain from penetration/sex. It could also be an abnormal hymen, severely tilted uterus, etc. In any case, I would definitely recommend seeing a gynecologist on the issue

Medical malpractice?... Please Help! Anyones suggestions even if you have no law or medical background?

Ok, i had implanon (a form of birth control that is inserted in your arm for up to 3 years) inserted in sept 08' after having my daughter. I went to have it removed just over a week ago and discovered it was not there. We had in office surgery and 2 sonograms. I contacted the doctor who "supposedly" inserted it and he said it could have fallen out of the needle before insertion. When he inserted it, he told me he could feel it and i would be protected, same with the followup exam a week later. Is this a case... Him saying i had birth control when he clearly DID NOT do his job (if you couldnt feel it in the beginning you were supposed to do a sonogram right away... If it was not there, put one in place then)? HELP ME! I did fall pregnant a year later, took a hpt with 3 positives, and had miscarried a few weeks later (i believe.. I did not have insurance to go to the doc).

What movie does a young girl live in a shed type building ouside from her home? she is treated badly.?

A young boy brings her food and comes to visit with her. If I'm not mistaken she gets fixed up and attends a dance. She does a lot of walking in this movie

Has anyone ever had nerve damage as a result of a picc line being inserted or as a result of chemotherapy?

My wife had a picc line inserted 8 weeks ago which wouldnt go in properly and caused severe nerve pain.Then chemo was given with a half line and seemed to leak so the line was removed and a central line put in a week later to continue giving chemo.But 24 hrs after the failed picc line insertion she started having severe pain in her right arm and now its still very painful and she has lost the use of her arm.Docs say they have never seen this happen before and it may mean permanent loss of use.

Odd lump on the back of my right ear?

you may be allergic to your earings i know i had that i was allergic to alot of earings even like silver. or the back maybe too close to the ear and then it causes a lump to come. don't worry it's nothing serious take the earing out, clean it in a mini ear bath lool with some detol disinfectant and it should be ok, no the hole shouldn't go.

What setup for catching bass in saltwater?

I just started fishing and have bought a new reel which i know is capable of catching larger fish than the fluke that i have been catching. if anyone could help me i want to figure out during which tide i should fish, what hooks and what bait or lure i might want to use for blue fish or striped bass. i fish in long island near the jones beach inlet. thanks

Would you help a cop who is about to ticket you?

let's said this traffic cop is a well known hard-headed asshole. He pulls you over for speeding. on his way to your car, he slips and fall. He is hurt badly. (assume he didn't call for backup or check your license plate). Would you get out and help him? or speed off laughing at him because you know he's an asshole. The ticket would be $350 if this accident didn't occur.

Sex addiction... Please help me with somebody?

I think my cousin is addicted to sex. He always talks about his experiences with girls and has all these naked pictures of girls on his wall. He cheats on his girlfriends with different girls with sex and if his g.f doesnt want to give herself away he dumps her harshly. From what it seems he cant go a day without sex. What scared me is that the other day he was hitting on me touching me and tried luring me into bed. Can sex addiction cause that? Im his cousin! I think somethings wrong with him ): hes 15

How to make a fishing lure from a knife, table spoon, for trolling or some thing?

you can make 2 lures from a tablespoon,if you cut it where the handle meets the cupped area,then drill a hole in the ends of each piece and attach a split ring and treble hook to each one, on one end then another ring to tie the line to it,of course you'll have to file away any rough edges and polish it up before using it.



Do i have a urinary tract infection?

go get it checked, granted its embarassing to piss in a jar but not doing so could lead to something serious later on.

What does "pole" mean in the sentence?

The "pole" is the slot that plugs into the outlet. If you look at a standard electrical cord you will see either two or three prongs (poles) that extend out, and they make the electrical contact.

Is this normal/ has it happened to you?

So I'm 15 years old and I've never had a boyfriend or kissed a guy. Almost all of my friends have. I want so badly to make out (i know that sounds superficial). Anyway how can I get a guy to go out with me? Or do you have any dating/ kissing tips. Thanks. :) whatever gets me a boyfriend the fastest will get 10 points. Oh yeah one of my friends likes the same guy i like, she found out i used to like him and started to hate me for a while then i stopped liking him for like 5 or 6 months but now i like him... alot. Shes liked him for almost 2 years now so shuldnt she give up on him I mean obviously I wounldnt say that to her but I really like him and I think he liked me at one point and almost kissed me but my dad called me so it tottaly ruined the moment. anyway this last part is pointless but thanks. :)

Very sad about fight with my friend last night, what do you think?

Maybe you should ask her what made her like this all of the sudden. It seems like she's turned into one of those friends that are tolerable only in small doses

Was World War I an unjust war?

The British LURED our ship into their seas so the Germans could sink our ship so we could help the Brits out in their war. They knew the Germans had orders to fire on sight ANY ship they saw, 'cause they thought it would be British, who they were at war with. Frankly, if we should have declared war on anyone, it should have been the British.

Fishing help on ocarina of time?

I've got all the gold skulltulas and i have one heart piece left to get, unfortunately it's the one where i need the golden scale and whenever i try to fish, the biggest one never bites onto the lure. Anyone got any tips?

Catching Pike? Daredevil Spoon question Ect.?

Try a floating rapala-most often pike holding in weed beds are looking up for food-not straight ahead-about a size 13 is fine for average- sized pike.Cast it out and reel back a little making it dive to about 3 feet or so deep,pause your retrieve and let it float back to the surface-then give it a twitch or two too create a "wake" (ripples)around it-then repeat this.This will allow you stay out of the weeds -if you start getting in the weeds then don't let it dive as deep(as in don't force it down by reeling in as far all at one time).Go to the nearest Wal-Mart and find a floating rap that matches the baitfish in the lake or river you're fishing-make sure to get a floating rap and not a husky jerk.Rig it up with a wire leader and you should be good to go.

What is the best web site builder program?

Well, there are free site builders on line, like wordpress and, or you can use also the Create Suite from Adobe.

How would you recomend fishing a shallow, low creek with deep spots?

hi i wanna fish in my creek its usually high but right now its really low but its got deep spots with bass in it about 4-6 ft deep so what kind of lure, bait would you recommend?

My cousin cuts and wants to kill herself... help!?

Her name is Samantha and I love her so much. She's really sweet, nice, fun, and you get the idea... well, I found out she cuts, and she really badly wants to kill herself with a knife... she told me a couple weeks ago she was in her room and she was about to slit her throat, but her brother, Jonas, walked in on her so she stopped. I don't know what to do... only her closest friends know about this, and me... She said that if I told any adults about this, she'd be really angry at me, and she said that she can deal with it and stuff... She promised me that she'd only cut, but if she accidentally cut too deep, then thats it. She said that i'll forget about her like everyone else will.. I don't know what to do... please help..

What can albino hamsters eat?

I am currently sitting my friends albino hamster. I am not really sure what is safe to feed her for occasional treats. She doesn't come out of her cage, and is very shy, so we want to use the treat to lure her out. I have heard of strawberries and bananas?

Ebay and Selling Questions?

All the fees from eBay are on your account until they do the billing once a month. The insertion fee appears as soon as you list an item. The FVF appears when the item sells. You won't see anything taken from your account until they do the end of the month billing. They will send you a detailed invoice showing all the transactions for the month.

Car fuse instantly blows?

Hey everybody! Okay so I just installed a new deck into my Oldsmobile Nintety-Eight. After installing it, my digital gauges wouldn't show, nor would the radio work. After some examination I realized it was the radio fuse, which I replaced. After about 30 mins I came out to find it had blown again, and now when I try to put a new fuse in, it sparks and instantly blows upon insertion of the fuse box. Someone please help me out, I cant drive if I can't see my speed!

Somach/ #2 issue/ detox/ clenes?

I am 13 an went to a concert last night an i couldn't enjoy the band becuase my stomach hurt so much i was very gassy an this has happen when i go to concerts before but today iv had to go #2 suddenly an really badly the #2 it's self are "floaters" an are thin an narrow an are in many pices they are in a simalar shape as normal #2 but thinner an longer are multiple of them so i was thinking about like going on a cleansing type thing to see if that would help so plz help me on how to do that THANKS

Tampon insertion- pain?

it may just hurt because you are on your period. also, never put a tampon in a an angle! always straight in. maybe you should re-read the directions

How do creationists explain endogenous retroviruses?

I would call that natural progression. You can believe in God and natural progression or endogenous retroviruses, or anything else concerning nature. God is the Creator of all things in heaven and in earth.

Soccer: US loses to Mexico 4 - 2?

I think that last goal was the entire defenses fault. Everyone to blame. I mean, just count how many people he got by. Unacceptable.

My laptop HP Mini 110-3500 failed to startup -black screen?

it only show black screen with blinking insertion point at the left upper part of current os is win 7 32bit..

Is it normal for my mirena to still hurt 4 days after insertion?

It's normal. You can have cramps for a little while. I think mine really went away after two weeks. I usually only had them in the AM and they weren't too bad. After the 2 weeks there seemed to be about a minute in the AM every day that I would get a bad cramp, but that was it, just a short one. That went on for a few months.

Who is the biggest OP OC Mary-Sue you know of?

I'm talking about the real unintentional ones that you have read about that are either an author's self insertion, or whatever. Not the intentional Sue that is played for laughs.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

How do i get over this?

A good place to start would be to stop monitoring what he is up to online. You will only make it more difficult for yourself if you keep an eye on his every digital move. If you really want to get over this man you have to accept that going forward, what he gets up to has nothing to do with you. Likewise you can claim the same for yourself so whether you get back in to the dating game now or later it has nothing to do with him.

Does Sushi Vinegar work on fruit flies?

Its summer in New York, and fruit flies are invading my house. People say use vinegar to lure and trap them, but all I have is sushi vinegar. Im not sure if it works.

How can i get rid of bags under my eyes?

Im only 13, so its probablly not wrinkles. I usually get around 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night, and i use an eye creme, but there is always 2 or 3 dark lines under my eyes. It also might be because I spend a lot of time outside in the the sun and I got badly burned this week. (right now my face is red and burns very bad and has little flakes of skin peeling off, and my eyes are red.) What should I do?????????

Do girls mind/like if a guy makes noise in bed?

I’m with my first serious girlfriend, we haven’t had sex yet but i think we will be soon. I am currently a virgin and a bit nervous about it, the main reason is that during masturbation I think i make a lot of noise but not the sort of ‘manly’ noises that guys are supposed to it’s embarrassing but i think i make noises more like girls do like the gasping and moaning. I’m worried my girlfriend is gonna hate this I try to keep quiet and not make any noise during masturbation but it’s really hard. I’m anxious this is going to reflect really badly on me and she might dump me, i know this sounds drastic and maybe it’s because i’m just nervous about it. Should i try to keep quiet and hold it in best i can or hope that she won’t mind?

Should my ears be sore after stretching?

I don't have a gauge, but anytime you do something to your ear it is probably bound to be sore a little. You should probably slow down on changing sizes. You could also clean it with the solution once in the morning and once at night after you brush your teeth. Hope that helps.

Help?! Name of this cartoon?

Its japanese originally, but is also in english,and is aired on tv from time to time. Its this cartoon about a little girl and her mum and dad going out to the country, when they find this tunnel in the forest. they go through it, and emerge in a different, weirder world. however, when the mum and dad eat some food from a restaurant, they turn into pigs. the only other thing i can remember, is that it also has two twin Granny's in it with heads too big for their body, one is evil, the other is good. there's also a giant baby, a silver dragon that's really a boy, and this weird monster creature that makes gold to lure people, then eats them whole. sounds really weird, but hey, its a weird cartoon. i would be very grateful if you could remember the name.

What workouts can you do to jump higher?

What workouts can you do to jump higher? I need to increase my vertical BADLY. 10 points best answer

A question about workman's compensation?

I would assume so. you are losing money every day you cannot work and they are responsible to reimburse you for that. Sometimes, they reject your claim the first time. keep on applying.

What to do with the pokey wire on my braces?

I went to the ortho yesterday and a wire is poking me. Badly. If you have braces, I'm sure you know what wire I'm talking about - the one in the back that sometimes sticks out and pokes the back of your cheek. I will be out of town for the next week, we are leaving town tomorrow at 5 in the morning, which is before my ortho's office opens. I have wax, but it never stays on for more than 2 minutes, it doesnt really help anyway, and I am almost out already. I've tried bending the wire but that does not help. I can't use nail clippers because I am not superhuman and cannot fit them into my mouth at the right angle to snip the wire. I don't know what to do. It hurts SUPER bad, and my cheek is all scratched up. Oh, and also, when I go to the orthodontics and they use the wire cutters in the back of my mouth, I am REALLY REALLY SUPER paranoid they will cut my skin with the wire(because you can feel the wire cutters touching your cheek as they are cutting the wire). I told the lady that works at my orthodontics office and she said that I was being "silly", and that would neverrrr happen. Lo and behold, in the next minute or two, she snipped my skin with the wire cutters, as she had promised me would NOT happen. It hurt SOO FREAKIN BAD. I yelped and told her that she cut me, and she didn't believe me, even though I was BLEEDING FROM IT. I am super scared this will happen again, and every time someone is about to cut a wire on my braces, I start to freak out and I fight the urge to cry(I know, what a wuss). I get this weird tingly feeling all over my body when I feel my skin make contact with the metal wire cutters, like I am about to pass out. How do I calm myself down when they use the wire cutters on me?

I dont care about anything anymore?

Its just I never care about anything anymore! I use to get straight A's sometimes a B here and there and I would cry if I got B's (lmfao) . I got my report card a few days ago and I did horrible since I just didnt care about my homework and put like no amount of effort into schoolwork and I just didnt care about my report card And when my mom and dad were spazing I thought it was funny. Whenever they spas I think its funny :p... I dont care about my friends I dont care about guys that I use to like, I dont care about my future, my goals my nothing, I feel really ugly lately and really tired and my heads so dizzy and I have major headaches plus my stomach hurts so badly everytime I eat that sometimes I cant even move. And I just feel so drained and tired and like I really dont give a crap about anything anymore and I just hurt all the time. help?

First gynecological exam, scared, what do I expect?

Hi, I'm 22 years old and I recently just started having sex (which is still unbearably painful for me.) I've tried sex with my boyfriend a total of maybe, 6-7 times within a span of 3 months. I only say I've "tried" sex because I can never seem to carry the whole thing through without massive amounts of pain (it's not my hymenal tissue, that's been eroded a while ago) even though I'm always aroused and lubricated enough. I'm mostly going to the dr because of this problem (thinking it might be that I'm still just fresh to sex so it still hurts or it could be dyspareunia.) I want to know what to expect, can anyone tell me exactly what happens during a gyno exam? Do they check your breasts too? How do they do everything? Would my boyfriend be allowed in the room? Can I choose a female doctor? More over, will it hurt because sex is already painful enough for me, will the speculum be the same thing? My bf has not yet been able to get all the way inside of me due to all the pain so when the dr has to insert the spec to see my cervix, I'm so scared that there wil be extreme pain because how know insertion during sex feels.

Why and what is happening with this girl?

I think she doesn't want to hang out with you, because of thous friends. May be even doesn't want to be seeing with you so that others dont think she is a lesbian. I am sorry that happened to you, but now i guess just try to be more nice to her friends and give it a few month. don't push, just wait. May be that will change situation.

Fellow Christians, would God be mad or upset with me...?

I am 17 and a Christian. I am forgiving and nice and never start problems with others, and many people don't start problems with me either. But, my sister is always being obnoxious, nosy, and starts things with me. It is not as much as it used to be, but still happens. Today it was thundering and raining outside, i had to use the bathroom but my dog was hiding in the bathroom because he gets scared of thunder sounds. The bathroom is a reasonable size, but not that big, and he would have been in my way, so i called my dog to get out of the bathroom and he doesn't listen; i try to lure him out of the bathroom with a dog snack and he doesn't listen; so i just had to push him out of the bathroom and then he was finally out of the bathroom and he went to another part of the house. I didn't push him out in a mean way, just kind of like moved him out the door like one would push a table. But my sister seemed to give me attitude just because i moved him out of the bathroom. I tried to say things with reason, but she just closed her door in my face. I try to be a good brother, but she is just an obnoxious person and i love her, but i don't want to deal with her anymore. She is obviously has a problem with me and how i am, (she also brings up long forgotten things of the past to justify her actions towards me when i never did anything and those things were ancient history, which most of those events were just me standing up for myself because she was mean first.) so i don't want to be around her much. When i get old enough, i want to move out on my own and not have to deal with her. I still love her, and might say hi to her on facebook sometimes or even visit. (That form of contact is not long enough for her to start being a jerk again.) I would not be holding a grudge, there is just some people who are impossible to get along with even when you are nice to them. But, just because of all this and how i feel will God be mad at me or think anything i feel/think mentioned here is anything wrong? If i eventually move out in the future and feel happy because i don't have to deal with her being obnoxious, would God be upset with me or feel im unforgiving? Will i be spiritually okay? Thanks!:)

Makeup in general. :)?

I use Cover Girl, it works FABULOUS. For lashes that pop and are dramatic, use Cover Girl Lash Blast, non waterproof and has extra volume. Go over your lashes a few times, then use a declumper if its clumpy. In brown, if you can find it. For eyeliner, I'd use a bronze or brown pencil liner. And lastly, for eyeshadow quad, I'd find something with brown, bronze, nude, colors of those shades. Also, to always make your eyes look bigger, put white shadow on the inside corners of your eyes, and blend it. Or, use a white liner in that area and blend it in just enough so its standing out.

Herb Garden Expert? Help Needed...?

The bugs probably came with the plants when you bought them. Disposing of them was the right thing to do. They are probably the critters we call "white flies". Once they invade a plant there is no hope for revival. Here in east Texas cilantro,chives,onions,and dill start to die off in the late spring/early summer.The "tarragon" you referred to is more likely an herb called Mexican mint marigold. It doesn't do well in the summer either. But don't discard it or the chives ,when the weather cools down they'll start growing again (perennials). I suggest you get another parsley. They grow for 2 years - a real thing of beauty. It is my favorite herb to grow!

Editorial image usage rights for a third party?

The third party needs to pay a fee for usage unless by using the photographs the third party could generate plenty of revenue. You have to determine which is more the fee or the revenue generated.

What would happen if I win this competition and I'm under 18?

The contest would probably be vacated, meaning there would end up being no official winner because the person that originally won broke the rules.

Writing stories that may waive strict and not so positive criticism ... ? Read info below ?

Nope it is not a problem. The print media is a very forgiving one and is hardly regulated at all. Many books have dealt with these themes and none of them have been restricted. The only consequence you have to worry about is your reader's response to how these themes are dealt with.

When to say "I love you"?

Me and my wonderful girlfriend have been dating for 2 months now. I know you should say "I love you" whenever it feels the most appropriate, but even if you feel like you love someone, if you say it too early it can scare them off. In my case I feel that I really do love my girlfriend. We're going into college so I'm not some middle schooler lol. I know she talks of how I'm so genuinely sweet, how traditional, corny, cute, adorable, the-guy-every-women-deserves kinda person I am, but to me, that doesn't mean she loves me. I want to tell her sooooo badly but am not sure about it. Can you people tell me your thoughts on this often asked question?

WHy do they say Ted Bundy is attractive?

I guess it s pointless to assume that all our monster baddies look like ugly monsters but its something that affects us deeply - this idea that beautiful people can be cruel and uncaring as we are so patterned in to giving out to beauty. I just look hom up on yahoo images - Yes he is good looking - as they say handsome is as handsome does.

Had unprotected sex 8 days before IUD insertion... could I be pregnant?

I had the copper IUD inserted approximately 8 or 9 days after I had unprotected sex several times in which he ejaculated in me. I was also on my period at the time. The copper IUD can act as emergency contraceptive since it prevent implantation. What are the chances Im pregnant?

Creationists: is any of this evidence at all compelling to you?

Creationists don't have any good evidence to prove their case, just a book filled with inaccurate caveman science. There I said it but the Catholics have rejected Creationism because there is no good evidence for it

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What song is this in Asuko March? ep 8?

I just finished watching Asuko March! ep 8 and theres this song i want to know so badly it starts playing when Yoshinos mother is talking to Aruto with tamaki ear dropping behind them and Aruto says " Right... Tamaki kun" and it finish at the basketball scene where tamaki attacks Aruto. If anyone knows the song i be dieing to know it thnx :D

Can a 14 Year Old Start A Newsletter?

I'm 14 and there's not many ways for me to make money. I've tried dog walking and pet sitting but no one needs a pet sitter or dog walker where I live. Since I still need money, I was wondering if I could start a horse newsletter to send to local barns for a subscription of $10 a month that will go out every two weeks and will include training tips, a Q&A section, advertisements, etc. Do you think this is a good idea? Is the rate per month too high? Anymore ideas for the newsletter? Please tell me your ideas as I need money very badly to help pay for lessons!

I am addicted to eating Chicken!?

I eat Chicken almost everyday. Wether its Nuggets, on Pizza, In gravy, Fried etc etc. The days that I don't get to eat chicken I start craving it badly. The craving feels like when you take ciggerettes away from a smoker. Once I start craving it I keep walking from side to side its like any normal addiction but to chicken. I was having all these allergies to tablets a few months back so my Mom did'nt let me have any chicken and surpriseingly my skin became clear because of that and then when my allergies got over I started eating it again and I was back to square one with my greasy skin and little blemeshes. Maybe it was'nt the avoidance of chicken that made the skin clearer. Could be the cut down on oil intake. My daily diet HAS TO consist of chicken and I might be able to reduce weight if I cut down on it. How should I do this if I am so addicted to it?? Is this even normal, to be addicted to eating chicken?

Do I still get charged a fee every month (on eBay) even if I didn't sell anything that particular month?

I'm selling something today. I know you get charged for insertion and final fees. But what about the monthly invoice stuff? Would I continue to be charged $$$ in the following months, even though I am not selling? If so, how much?

Why is my friend treating me badly?

i have been in a similar situation and i have fallen out with one of my friends for treating me that way! some days she was talking to me and some days she wasnt, so i have pretty much given up. it felt like she was using me, like she only talked to me when our other friends werent around :)

Soo my iPod 4th gen 8 GB screen cracked ?

Yeah my screen cracked really badly. I want to get it repaired, because I would fail horribly at putting in the screen myself. I have been looking online and it costs around 100 bucks, which is rediculous!! Any suggestions??

Is Mirena doing this to me?

Hi. I'm a 23 year old female and mother of 2 little boys 20months and 8months. After my youngest was born at my 6 week mark I elected to have the Mirena inserted. I am convinced now after 7 months with it that it has caused me enormous pain and heartache. I have always been a small girl and only weighed 114 pounds when I got pregnant with my first son. I could eat and eat and eat and lose weight no problems. After my youngest was born I dropped down to 135 and counting UNTIL I got the mirena. Then I just started gaining like crazy and currently weigh 156 pounds! I have also had several other unexplainable problems that have popped up since insertion! HORRIBLE mood swings, depression, urge to kill myself, and anger beyond anything that I have ever experienced before. I have almost lost my marriage to this! Litterally I freaked out and left my husband. I have panic attacks EVERY day! This is not postpardum and I know this because I was even better than fine until the mirena. I have also had ichy skin that breaks out (I didn't even have achne when I was a teenager!). Sore tender breasts, my stomach bulges out like I'm 5 months pregnant, unexplainable leg pain on my left side, horrible hair loss, inablility to concentrate or remember things, cramping on my left side of my abdomin, upset stomach every day similar to IBS symptoms, headaches (where I have to take tylenol every day just to get through work), and the list goes on... I know this is not in my head. I just now put it all together! I remember crying to my husband about 3 months ago telling him that "something is wrong with me, and I'm going to the doctor and refusing to leave until they tell me what it is!" Well I was right! I know I should have but last night after reading about many women doing it I decided to try to take it out super carefully. I pulled on it and it didn't come out like all the women said it would but instead I got a terrible pain in my left side and a strange numb feeling through my pelvis and down my leg! Could it be embedded or something? please tell me I'm not crazy and this "Mirena" is doing this! Also after I do get it removed how long will it take to get back to feeling better? Thanks yall!

If I have unprtected sex on the sixth day of nuvaring insertion can i still get pregnant?

yes. all forms of birth control are not effective until they have been used properly for t least one month straight.

How's the fishing in Maine?

My uncle, aunt and I are going camping in Maine in mid-July and we plan to do a lot of fishing. We'll be staying in a campground about 20 miles south of Moosehead Lake. I want to know how the fishing is up around those parts. I'd like to hit not only the lake itself but all the ponds and streams around it. I like to use artificial lures, so if you have any suggestions I'm all ears.

Is she just playing me?

So I've been very close to this girl let's call her T for some time now, for a almost three years. We're in high school and well lately I've been getting more feelings for her and can't stop thinking about her. I think I'm in love with her. Anyways so a week ago I was drunk and phoned and texted her that I loved her and she never replied. Later my other friend phones me and tells me that T is creeped out. Then the next morning I apologize and T said it was fine she didn't understand what I was saying. Anyways later I found out someone else had told T before that I liked her and it was apparently these other girls that were supposedly my best friends but they screwed me over. Then I went and called them out and now we aren't friends anymore but they still hang out with T a lot. Anyways then now whenever we are at school T doesn't hang out with me or like after school we usually would go do stuff but now she doesn't ever bring it up or ask me. She still texted me a lot but whenever I ask her to hang out she just makes up an excuse and then I find out later she was hanging out with some other people. I then just gave her some space, waited 4 days to text her and she has ignored my texts since. And I had drunk phoned her after a continuous of 4 days of not speaking for no reason. I just started asking her why we aren't best friends anymore, why she's distancing herself and stuff like that. She told me I was so annoying and treated her like crap and treated her friends badly too and they all hated me and how I actually didn't really care about her which is totally the opposite how I feel about her then I just hung up the phone. I'm really confused and don't know how to deal with it. I stopped talking to for a month and suddenly I got a text from her last night saying she was sorry and if I could forgive her then I find out later she told our mutual friend that she only texted me that since she was drunk and she only misses partying with me but all her friends hate me. I just don't know what to do it's driving me a little insane, like does she care or like what is going on with her? I don't want to push it and ask her and stuff since I'll seem vulnerable and weak and like I already was pretty much begging for our friendship and trying to fix things a month ago so I just don't know what to do!

They all saw me naked on Xbox Live. What should I do?

It was so embarrassing and I want to take it back so badly. I am 38 years old and a kind of obese, so it was even more embarrassing. :Last night, I set up my new xbox 360 web cam and decided to play uno. I didn't know anything about uno. I didn't know that the web cam would come on when I play. I thought it was only an option and that the web cam was mostly for video chat. Well, last night I was sitting down naked in front of the tv, exposed,with my legs out and everything and the web cam came on. I was on my ds at the same time waiting for the game to begin. Then immediately, I heard laughter and screaming through the headset and I was wondering what was going on so I started asking them and they started calling me a sick **** and a piece of **** and stuff and I looked up at the tv and what I saw shocked me. It was me, visible through the web cam sitting on the floor naked and exposed and everyone was laughing and screaming so I got up, turned around and got a pillow and ran and I know I shouldn't have because everyone saw my butt too when I turned around and ran. Then I just freaked out and went into the back and unplugged my Xbox 360 and started crying. I didn't know! It wasn't my fault. I haven't turned the console on since because I'm afraid I will be banned. Could I get banned for this even though it wasn't my fault?

Why do i miss my dad so badly when he attacked me and stopped me from breathing?

Older UK man here - you miss him because he is your dad but he sounds, without wishing to be offensive, not worth the trouble. Dads normally treasure their daughters - you can give him one last chance. And make it clear this is the last chance. He needs to prove himself, and if he is a real man that is what he will do.

How can i catch a trophy fish?

For largemouth bass in the potomac river read all the articles about the potomac river in this section. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a There are big red words saying "The Articles Below are on the Potomac River in Maryland and other techniques". You can't miss it. For more bass fishing information sign up for the site.

I dont get why they do this?

I'm glad he turned out not to have a neck injury. During a bad fall many things can be injured. A neck fracture may not be noticed at first and if the EMTs didn't protect his neck, moving him around could have paralyzed him. The pelvic fracture is what is termed a "distracting injury". This is because the pain is so great the injured person doesn't feel, for example, a broken arm or neck or ribs, etc. So as uncomfortable as he was, they were doing the best thing for him.

My boyfriend is really sweet but..what should i do about this?

no offence but he's actually being nice and i think it's because he's very strong about his feelings, believe me i wud also wanna say the same thing to my gf cuz thts how i feel about her, and i'm 15.

How to kinda motivate him into wanting a relationship?

We have been talking for 4 months, we reallly like eachother alot. He has decided that he doesn't know what he wants. He's decided to just do nothing and see what happens...Which is what we've been doing. He doesn't have a drive to date right now. He's busy with 2 jobs, baseball, and other stuff, and doesn't have that much time for me. Plus we live an hour apart, which makes it more difficult. We've seen eachother once in the past month. Plus he doesnt want to lose me if we were to date and break up. We've went through a hell of a lot these past 4 months. I am running out of patience. We got in an argument over this and he just told me to be confident, be there for him, keep doing what we're doing, and wait to see what happens. I like him and want to hold on, but I dont want to wait around for nothing. I won't leave unless someone else motivates me to (like i finnd someone better). How can I sorta "lure" him into wanting to have a relationship with him?

How to deal with a hateful manager?

I have called the better business bureau and tried top find ways to make a complaint.... they all told me that since it doesn't have to do with race, religion, sexuality, or handicap there is nothing they can do.... Here it is... My boss is the rudest woman ever... when certain employees have questions she will roll her eyes and say " What do you want": we have hostess that seat tables for us to wait on but she doesn't seat them fairly.. only to those that she "Likes" .... My manager received a complaint from a customer about another employee smelling badly and my manager made jokes about it with other workers there... This is just in all not a good work environment and I am having a hard time with not speaking out.. Please help I need some advise.... THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!

Which ending is better for my story?

What you write is very creative. Both endings are so interesting. I truly believe if you are to be a writer, you need to not take a vote on your writing. It then no longer is your writing but our vote. Feel confident in which ending you decide on. Take a break from it for 24 hours then come back, re read both endings and you will have a better idea. Congratulations on your good work.

Girls from Ukrainian marriage agency "UkReine" <> tried to recruit me to spy home.What to do?!?

I am a lonely Italian, and occasionally I found this dating web-site, for some money they promised to connect me with some girls i selected at their web-site, but after visiting some of them, i felt they they were not sincere nor romantic, they simply were not interested in me, in what i told them, and more i spoke to them, more i was disappointed. Later in the studio they lodged me in, i found some hidden cameras and microphones in the kitchen and jakuzzi, and the girl attempted to lure me into sex, but i was vigilant, she became obsessed, like performing her duty. i came for romance, talking, as to return back 20 years, but there was nothing like that.Later, before my lonely departure it appeared that the robust stone-faced driver, who met me and took to the wreck apartment, who at first said he did not speak foreign languages, tried to recruit me primitively "to do something" on return back home. During the conversation, he started to grin, while there was another man at the building entrance, nervously smoking, as it appears. After i asked him to leave me, he turned stone-faced again. After i left this horrible apartment and on my way to the airport, the lady again tried to talk me over into something, different from romance, but i was silent, petrified. Frankly, i was afraid, that the girl may poison me, in order to place me to a hospital and pretend to take care of me,-i heard before of some tricks, as someone was operated on pancreas, and the lady was sort of "taking care" in the hospital, so i drank only the bottled water, it was nice. Of course, ukrainian town of Kharkov is very lovely, but it seems that the agency works under the local police cover, isn't it? Should i report it to SISMI, that i was attempted to be recruited by foreign police?

Im 10 and going through puberty and having watery discharge?

Hi.. im anushka and im on my discharge.. i had it for 3-6 months and a clear white discharge for months.. from last week i noticed some heavy watery discharge.. some times there are little white stuff too.. but most likely its watery.. sometimes i think i peed in my pants.. or i think i started my period.. do u think my period might be coming that's why only less white discharge is coming out? or something else... I hope my period is coming CUZ I want it sooooooo badly... believe me! I havent had it yet.. my first period :P and my friends started they're when they're ten too so.. and almost 11 because my b-day is on 22nd july :)

Google Analytics Tracking code insertion?

I use to track my website, its free and works very well with all my sites. it also give more details in tracking than Google Analytics

Is it "dishonest" for me to date younger women?

It is better you date somebody above 25. There is no bid difference in the age and she will be mature in her thinking. It is much more fun that way. Any woman's body at any age can be tight as a vise, if she maintians herself the proper way. Just leave the immature girls alone as your thinking seems to be distorted.

How to get rid of bags under eyes?

Im only 13, so its probablly not wrinkles. I usually get around 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night, and i use an eye creme, but there is always 2 or 3 dark lines under my eyes. It also might be because I spend a lot of time outside in the the sun and I got badly burned this week. (right now my face is red and burns very bad and has little flakes of skin peeling off, and my eyes are red.) What should I do?????????

When does Implanon become effective?

I got the Implanon birth control implant put in on April 26 (4 days into my period) and had sex without a condom exactly 2 weeks after it was put it. Could I be pregnant??? I am supposed to start my next period around the 20th of May and so far i haven't had my usual period symptom besides cramping. I have been really tired lately and have had headaches and backaches and stomach pain. Also, since i just got the implant in will my periods be not normal? Ive heard implanon becomes effective 7 days after insertion, so i should be good right? I just want to put my mind at ease.

Burning during masturbation/tampon insertion?

I'm a 14 yr old girl (virgin if that matters) and whenever I try to insert a tampon or finger myself it burns so badly! It hurt so badly I yelped the first time I tried to. I every time I try to use a tampon it burns so badly I have to take it out! What's wrong with me?!

Please i need help very badly?

I am trying to plan a wedding and i am very stressed out and overworked and I need help with finding venues and florists and cake bakeries can any of you please help me find some? I live in Orlando FL zip code 32812. i really would appreciate anybody helping me find good quality places and taking some stress off of me thank you so much!! -Vicky

What the heck is wrong with my stomach?

I have the same problem, and my dr said it was an episode of Irriatable Bowel Syndrome caused by stress and fatigue. I'm not sure of your lifestyle and what you got going on, but it's a valid possiblity that you just need a break from whatever you're doing. Are you over-worked? under elevated stress at the the moment? not sleeping very well? hopefully things settle down for you soon, and goes away, mine passed just as fast as it came, just give it time. I feel for you until then.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My Dog is hiding under the bed and doesn't want to come out? Why?

He might be afraid of something, or maybe sick? My cat usually hides under the bed when it's sick or hurt. (:

Air embollism - how quickly will the body be affected?

Usually a very large amount of air has to be blown or forced into the vagina to cause this and you would be displaying some noticeable symptoms such as chest pains, shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, or disorientation. However, I'm not a medical doctor; it may benefit you to talk to one about what happened.

Insertion of tampon!!!!!?

The last time Ive tried to use one, it was before I did anything sexual and the tampon would not go in at all. Ive become more sexually active (not full on penetration), but my hymen has broken but I want to know will it hurt now to use a tampon?!

Atheists: Why are Christians so nice?

I know what you're going to say. "They can be some of the most hateful people ever!", I realize that. Just like you have axe murderer Atheist, you have the Atheist that donates thousands to charity. But it seems like, especially the youth, are SO damn nice. I went to a youth thing at a church I go to, and they are insanely nice to me, much more than non-Christian teens. And I don't understand there ecstatic kindness and optimism. Sure, they've been sold lies, potentially dangerous and immoral lies. But I felt at home with them; is that their deluded means of luring you in, or is there something there?

Why does my game run faster than normal online?

Most games i play online seem to go faster than they used too, some games i lag very badly whilst others i seem as though i am speed hacking..the game that looks like hacking is Graal. I play combat arms and that runs near perfectly except for a couple of seconds of lag once in awhile...what could cause this to happen?

Why are people accusing me of plagiarism when it was unintentional (WARNING: Long--please be patient)?

Very creative. It was probably you calling it Being Human that really upset people, but other then that I don't think anyone can actually say you plagerised. The ideas have some similarities, but overall it has more differences. Sounds like it would make an awesome TV show, or even book.

How to become a semi-mer?

I really want to be a mermaid when submerged in water, and a human when dry. I want to have the power to lure men into the water with my singing, and be really beautiful. Do not suggest, because I do not want to follow a routine, unless it is easy.

Do I ignore or reward this?

Why don't you teach her the "Leave it" and "Look" commands. That way you can tell her to leave the thing that she would normally react to, and then when she "Look"s or makes eye contact you can reward her for that. It is better to reward her for looking to you than it is to reward just neutral behavior, she could be neutral b/c she's shut down rather than calm.

B&A: Name a book that was actually better as a movie :D?

The Green Mile was adapted to the big screen beautifully. I must admit that I can't say that one was better than the other, but they are both wonderful. The movie was very true to the book.

What part of this verse is a insertion by translators?

Acts 12:4 - "After arresting him, he put him in prison, handing him over to be guarded by four squads of four soldiers each. Herod intended to bring him out for public trial after the Passover. "

Bumping into her cervix?

I doubt youre hitting her cervix. Its position prevents that. You might be touching her vaginal wall or some other part of the vagina. The vagina is amazing, its meant to handle any size penis without "running" into anything serious. Now that I think about it, you could be directly on her g spot which is the most pleasurable spot for a lot of women. If fully stimulated it can cause female ejaculation.

So many Christians are telling these atheists that they are going to hell if they do not change their ways.?

I wonder why we feel that we should judge them. They are on this Christian site for a reason and regardless if they will admit it or not they are looking for answers. So my question is, why do Christians treat them badly when they are here to learn what God is truly about

Girls - My ex wants me back, how should I react?

hoestly she seems sincere. i mean if im going through something really hard i usually shut everyone out of my life. So yeah.

Why do they do this????? ?

Okay my friend was pushed from a high ledge. And he dislocated his hip and badly broke his pelvis so i called 911 and the ambulance people put him him in a neckbrace and put this strap thing on his stomach and legs and did other stuff to him why did they do that he didnt even have a neck injury?? My friend said he hated it and it was uncomfortable but why would they do that to him?

Sexual organ problems during sex?

As a 19 year old young adult, I have just had sex three times. I am afraid of being lonely because I feel that the three girls have been unhappy. After investigating, I now know that my corona is way to sensitive, and the warmth of the vagina stimulates me way to much that initial insertion is overwhelming, does anyone know what I can do to control this? Is there a desensitizing gel? or a way to make the corona less sensitive? Please help me!

Letter to a psychiatrist?

It's clear, but don't give up your day job. The grammar is lacking. Is your wife on meds that she needs to continue? Who will write the prescriptions?

Any ideas Bout positions? ?

Me and my boyfriend just started having sex after our child (who is almost 3 months). I can really handle deep penetration yet, or insertion quickly. I had a rough labor and wound up having a 4 degree tear & an episiotomy. So anyone have any poistionz they would recommend to work,?

Is the start of my story any good?

Well done!!! you should be proud of your self for writing such a good story xxx (i would buy this book)

Im 10 and going through puberty and having watery discharge?

Hi.. im anushka and im on my discharge.. i had it for 3-6 months and a clear white discharge for months.. from last week i noticed some heavy watery discharge.. some times there are little white stuff too.. but most likely its watery.. sometimes i think i peed in my pants.. or i think i started my period.. do u think my period might be coming that's why only less white discharge is coming out? or something else... I hope my period is coming CUZ I want it sooooooo badly... believe me! I havent had it yet.. my first period :P and my friends started they're when they're ten too so.. and almost 11 because my b-day is on 22nd july :) any ideas in how many months or weeks i'll get my period?

Gamebattles mw2 single ladder tips ? 10 PTS for best answer !?!?!?!?

Play tactically, don't go running out because I know how they play on GB they camp and kill you like once and they them lay in a corner for the rest of the game.

What do you think about my classes on black ops?

Most weapons have good sights, so I suggest using suppressors on all guns. Unless its a class that runs out of ammo, I usually don't use scavenger or a backup weapon such as pistols. I try to play a team game and use the strela. For domination, flak jacket is very valuable as people trying to get you off the flag using long grenade tosses will be stopped.

What could be wrong with my ankle?

sometimes i'll be walking around, and my ankle will cramp up, or start hurting really badly... sometimes i have trouble walking on it, and i have to get out a pair of crutches from a few years ago... i'll be fine for a while but that pain just comes outta nowhere. i don't know if anything might be wrong with it....

SERIOUS ISSUES...need some insight!! ?

I have recently been diagnosed with HPV the kind that causes GW. Two weeks ago, I slept with an old ex (who also has HPV) We were a bit intoxicated & me being completely irresponsible, decided to not use protection. Immediately after, I experienced pain & swelling. I figured it was due to the roughness, or lack of lubrication. The next morning, I was having several UTI like symptoms, pain while urinating, burning, difficulty urinating & just general discomfort in that area. I had a full prescription for antibiotics used to treat them & started them assuming there was no way an STD could show up instantly & although i was still a bit worried i decided not to stress because im a clinical hypochondriac. I also suffer from anxiety so Ive learned that usually the issues i worry about are much less severe than i think. So 2 days later, while still suffering from the UTI, i developed pain in my upper thigh that radiates about halfway to my knee. A week later the symptoms of the UTI had gone, i felt better, but NOW...the leg pain is back. I had intercourse with the same ex last night, it had been two weeks since the last time. It hurt upon insertion but the pain faded after a few minutes, immediately after there was swelling & localized pain on my labia & around the vagina. We used a condom this time and it wasnt rough. Now the leg pain is back, on the same side as the genital pain. I dont see any bumps or lesions just redness in the spot where it hurts im wondering if this has something to do with the UTI (since i didnt finish the whole prescription of the bactrim) or if its something worse. I thought maybe it might be pain from an untreated GW :( but the leg pain, from what ive read sounds like HSV(herpes) Im terrified & disgusted by the im in pain & im freaking out. This has ruined my life, the ex is a great guy & was open about HPV from the beginning. Hes never mentioned HSV. I have a dr appt friday but would like to know what this sounds like? HSV? If anyone has an idea id love to have some input :( thanks

Is this normal for paragard?

Ive had Paragard in for six days. I was cramping the first four days and then the last two I felt fine. But every time ive tried to check my strings my vagina feels very swollen, and about thirty minutes ago, out of the blue I felt a stabbing pain in my lower abdomen. When I checked, my underwear had a lot of a clear discharge with tiny spots of blood in it and it has a weird smell. Im freaking out. Is this normal so soon after insertion?

How do you catch seatrout?

Not sure where to find them in North Carolina... but they DO NOT fight like a rainbow trout and/or steelhead. They aren't called spotted weakfish for nothing.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Depression that never seems to end.?

I don't know what to do with myself anymore. I am not exaggerating when I say that I feel sad almost every hour of everyday. I have lost all my inspiration. It makes me sad because I use to know myself so well, but now I am not even sure who I really am anymore. I feel lost, and constantly my mind is running thoughts and memories, It is like I cant control it anymore. Its overwhelming and controls my everyday life. My sleeping schedule is changes, but not frequently. Because of my depression, I feel as if I can't sleep...I stay awake until what seriously feels as if I am passing out. It is very painful for me since my sciatic nerve is messed up, so it tends to act up more at night, as well as my restless leg syndrome and asthma. I work full time so it makes working a drag. The past 3 months/recently I believe I cry about 4 times a week waking up, at work and before bed. I thought that it might be from my ovarian cyst but I have had them for almost 6 years and have never dealt with depression as bad as this. Since I was a child, I have dealt with depression, but have never been diagnosed due to money issues. I do believe that the depression in my past had a lot to do with the environment I grew up in and the constant everyday battles I faced with dealing with my parents who where drug users, argued everyday and neglected me at least until the age of 13 when my parents made more money(my happiness was "bought") I also used to cut myself. I fought myself so many times to try and ignore the thoughts. When I tell my parents about this, they don't seem to take me seriously. My mother puts her friends before me, and my father is extremely obsessed with my mothers absences and how it effects his life, to the point to where my problems don't exist at all. I am 19 years old...I still live in this house and giving money to my parents is hard to do, especially trying to improve and take care of myself as well. Everyday I suffer because of my emotions. I feel so miserable and almost so much so to a point of insanity. I am scared because I started to notice that I talk to myself out loud and really don't notice it until I kinda catch myself I guess. Throughout the day I feel the urge to cry several times, but mostly I end up reaching a point of what feels like major anxiety. I can feel my chest tighten, and this horrible butterfly in my stomach sensation...but not the good kind. I get really dizzy and I get migraines at least a couple times a day. I am also very insecure because of all of this. When someone looks at me on the street I tend to think they are looking at me because there is something wrong about my appearance, not that they are "checking me out." And last year, two people I got very close too betrayed me and hurt me so badly that it has now caused me some serious social anxiety outside of work. I shake a lot and it almost takes anything negative to set me off emotionally... I can't let things go....when I am upset I stay that way over the issue for a very long the point of constantly beating myself up mentally...of how stupid I am or pathetic. And when I cry, sometimes I cant stop... and at times causes me to have panic attacks. I cant be around people to long other wise I feel I need to be alone. The thoughts in my head wont shut up....and I cant handle it...I get to high levels of stress over this, to where I throw almost a child-like tantrum, but only in private. And even when I experience laughter and smile I still feel sadness within me...its like it is eating at my insides. It makes me feel sick and want to throw up. Also I do believe this is caused, not only from home life and personal, self loafing issues, but from my complicated love life. I met someone who I am now still involved with on and off romantically about 4 years ago. He lives about 8 hours from me though. He changed my life for the better at first but over time became verbally abusive. He tells me I am pathetic and stupid and a *****, etc. when he gets mad at me and tells me how everything is my fault, but then other times he is the sweetest guy in the world and very loving. I tried moving on once, went on a date with a friend...we ended up kissing once. I told him about it recently and he called me a cheater and that I should feel ashamed (even though we are not together now and weren't when I went on that date). Ever since I have felt incredibly guilty and more depressed then before. I think about ending it all sometimes. I feel worthless. And it makes me incredibly tense..I can't even clean my the point of getting carpet beetles (I look like a hoarder)...I panic when people go in my room because my room is like a window to my soul, metaphorically. I don't like people seeing my pain. I have so much potential to be someone in this world...but I always feel it will never end. Please, what should I do? Help me?